Applied Sciences & Technologies College Now Pathways

School of Applied Sciences & Technologies banner

Precision Machining Pathway

Course Number Course Title Credits
ENG 101 College Composition  3
TAM 101 Machine Theory I 3
TAM 121 Mathematics for Machinists I 3
TAM 131 Machine Shop Print Reading I 3
TAM 141 Machine Shop Lab  3
HED 130 Foundations of Personal Health and Wellness 3
Total Credits for the
Precision Machining Pathway

HVAC Pathway

Course Number Course Title Credits
ENG 101 College Composition  3
MTH 160 Statistics I 3
HVA 101 Basic Refrigeration  3
HVA 103 Heating Systems  3
HVA 105 Electric Motor Controls  3
HED 130 Foundations of Personal Health and Wellness 3
Total Credits for the
HVAC Pathway

Mechanical Technology Pathway

Course Number Course Title Credits
ENG 101 College Composition  3
MTH 210 Calculus I 4
MET 101 Technical Graphics 3
MET 121 Comp Aided Drafting/Design- Solid Modeling 3
ELT 130 System Electricity 3
PHY 131 or 145 or 146 Applied Physics I or College Physics I or College Physics II 4
Total Credits for the
Mechanical Technology Pathway

Electrical Engineering Tech Pathway

Course Number Course Title Credits
ENG 101 College Composition  3
MTH 210 Calculus I 4
ELT 111 Introduction to Digital Electronics 3
PHY 131 or 145 or 146 Applied Physics I or College Physics I or College Physics II 4
HIS 109 or 110 or HIS 111 or 112 or POS 102 American History I: to 1865 or American History II: since 1865 or Global History I: to the 1500s or Global History II: Since the 1500s or American National Government 3
Total Credits for the
Electrical Engineering Tech Pathway

Optics Pathway

Course Number Course Title Credits
ENG 101 College Composition  3
TEK 145 Career Communications 3
OPT 110 Intro to Optical Technology 3
OPT 131 Optical Elements and Ray Optic 4
OPT 201 Photo Science 4
Total Credits for the
Optics Pathway

EMT / Fire Protection Pathway

Course Number Course Title Credits
ENG 101 College Composition  3
MTH 160 Statistics I 3
EMS 101 or FPT 101 and 102 EMS First Responder or Fire Behavior and Combustion and Fire Prevention and Inspection 4 or 6
EMS 110 Emergency Medical Technician 6
Total Credits for the
EMT / Fire Protection Pathway
  16 to 18

Culinary Arts Pathway

Course Number Course Title Credits
ENG 101 College Composition  3
MTH 160 Statistics I 3
FSA 109 Culinary Arts: Fundamentals of Food Preparation I 5
FSA 107 Menu Planning 3
HSP 101 Introduction to Hospitality 3
Total Credits for the
Culinary Arts Pathway

Hospitality Management Pathway

Course Number Course Title Credits
ENG 101 College Composition  3
MTH 160 Statistics I 3
FSA 107 Menu Planning 3
HSP 101 Introduction to Hospitality 3
PSY 101 Introduction to Psychological Science 3
Total Credits for the
Hospitality Management Pathway

Office Technology Pathway

Course Number Course Title Credits
ENG 101 College Composition  3
MTH 160 Statistics I 3
OFT 111 Intermediate Word 3
OFT 141 Professional Grammar and Communications 4
SPC 143 Small Group Communication 3
Total Credits for the
Office Technology Pathway

Computer Systems Technology Pathway

Course Number Course Title Credits
ENG 101 College Composition  3
MTH 210 Calculus I 4
CPT 101 Introduction to Computing 4
CPT 114 Problem Solving and Robotics 3
CPT 115 Introduction to Networks 3
Total Credits for the
Computer Systems Technology Pathway

Select from the banners below to view the College Now Schools packages that can be offered to high school students (subject to changes and updates).

School of Applied Sciences & Technologies
School of Health Sciences & Physical Wellness
School of Arts & Humanities
School of Science, Technology, Engineering & Math (STEM)
School of Business & Entrepreneurial Studies
School of Social Sciences & Global Studies
School of Community Engagement & Development
General Education Pathway