Community Engagement & Development College Now Pathways

Education Pathway
Course Number | Course Title | Credits |
ENG 101 | College Composition | 3 |
MTH 160 or MTH 155/156 | Statistics I or Math for Elementary Teachers I and II | 3 or 6 |
EDU 100 | Intro to the Teaching Profession | 1 |
EDU 200 | Foundations of Education | 3 |
Foreign Language | Choose American Sign Language, French, German, Italian, Spanish | 3 |
Foreign Language | Choose next level same foreign language | 3 |
HED 116 | Issues in Child Development and Health | 3 |
Total Credits for the Education Pathway | 19 to 22 |
Early Care Pathway
Course Number | Course Title | Credits |
ENG 101 | College Composition | 3 |
MTH 160 | Statistics I | 3 |
PSY 101 | Introduction to Psychological Science | 3 |
EDU 100 | Intro to the Teaching Profession | 1 |
ECE 150 | Exploring Early Care and Education | 3 |
ECE 151 | Developmentally Appropriate Practice for Young Children | 3 |
HED 116 | Issues in Child Development and Health | 3 |
Total Credits for the Early Care Pathway | 19 |
Criminal Justice Pathway
Course Number | Course Title | Credits |
ENG 101 | College Composition | 3 |
MTH 160 | Statistics I | 3 |
CRJ 101 | Intro to Criminal Justice | 3 |
CRJ 103 | Constitutional Law and Rights of People | 3 |
POS 102 | American National Government | 3 |
SPC 143 | Small Group Communication | 3 |
Total Credits for the Criminal Justice Pathway | 18 |
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