Board Members & Supporters Circle
Board Members
- Maria Brandt, ENG/PHL
- Jeremy Case, Instructional Technologies
- Heather Chang, VaPA
- Chase Leonard, Theatre Major
- Jim McCusker, ENG/PHL
- David Mills, Theatre Major
- Gabriel Romano, Creative Writing Major
- Jchris Senden, ENG/PHL
Supporters Circle
Sixth Act Supporters receive special e-mail notification about Sixth Act events as well as project updates. Supporters also are invited to contribute ideas for future programming and are recognized publicly for their important role in sustaining and encouraging The Sixth Act’s unique, award-winning mission.
- Kelsey Bright, Associate Vice President, Academic Affairs
- Michael Jacobs, Provost and Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs
- Jodi Oriel, Director, Office of Student Life and Leadership Development
- Gretchen Wood, Executive Director, MCC Foundation