Course Descriptions
TAM 241 - Advanced Machine Shop Laboratory
3 Credits
Designed as an opportunity for further enhancement of skills developed in TAM 141. Emphasis is placed on developing high level skills to accomplish complex and precision machining operations. Advanced topics include precision layout and tools, quality control, and precision machine processes.
Prerequisites: TAM 101, TAM 141.
Course Learning Outcomes
1. Apply all safety rules concerning the set-up and use of CNC equipment and shop surrounds to 100% compliance.
2. Select, sequence, schedule, and operate the appropriate machine tool and troubleshoot and assemble their project at a 70% minimum compliance level meeting the blueprint specifications.
3. Evaluate the type and accuracy of the tool they will need to design and build it to a 70% minimum compliance level meeting the blueprint specifications and function.
Course Offered Spring
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Fall Semester 2025
Spring Semester 2025
Summer Session 2025