SUNY Campus Climate Survey
In March 2023, our campus began an online administration of the Sexual Violence Prevalence (SVP) Campus Climate Survey. This survey was administered to students and employees and is required to address, at minimum, student and employee knowledge about:
- The Title IX Coordinator's role;
- Campus policies and procedures addressing sexual assault;
- How are where to report sexual violence as a victim/survivor or witness;
- The availability of resources on and off campus, such as counseling, health, academic assistance;
- The prevalence of victimization and perpetration of sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking on and off campus during a set time period
- Bystander attitudes and behavior;
- Whether victims/survivors reported to the College and/or police, and reasons why they did or did not report
- The general awareness of the difference, if any, between the institution's policies and the penal law; and
- The general awareness of the definition of affirmative consent.
In reviewing the results, we highlight that the survey:
- Indicated that students and employees are aware that the campus has policies and procedures specifically addressing sexual assault.
- Indicated that students are less aware than employees how to contact the Title IX Coordinator.
- Indicated employees have more awareness and knowledge about campus policies and procedures regarding sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, stalking and sexual harassment than students.
- Indicated that more outreach about how to contact the Title IX Coordinator and how to make a report are indicated.
Based on the results from the student survey, it is indicated that more information be distributed to students about how to contact the Title IX Coordinator, and written information about sexual assault, how to report and other resources available. The Title IX Office is reviewing ways to distribute this information to students.
If you have any questions about the survey or the results, please email Shannon Glasgow ( Director, Title IX.
The SVP survey is administered every other year by all SUNY campuses, who work closely with SUNY System Administration to coordinate the survey administration itself. An effort is made to keep the questions from one administration to the next as consistent as possible to allow for reliable and meaningful longitudinal data. System-wide IRB review takes place for each survey administration
Our campus administered the student survey between March 6, 2023 through March 26, 2023 and the employee survey between March 6, 2023 through March 26, 2023. Excluded survey populations were individuals under 18 years of age, all incarcerated individuals regardless of age, and all students concurrently enrolled in high school regardless of age.
Our campus hopes to gain knowledge from this survey to learn what areas of growth the campus can make in connecting with employees and students on how to contact the Title IX Coordinator and awareness of campus policies and procedures.
Student Survey Demographics
The student response rate was 10.2% with 761 respondents. Most of the student respondent (83.2%) were living family; 12% were living in campus housing and 14.5% were living in off campus housing with roommates/friends.
Respondents identified their gender as follows:
- 67.6% women;
- 26.5% men;
- 4.2% non-binary;
- 2.4% transgender;
- 2.8% genderqueer/gender-fluid
- 2.0% questioning or unsure
The sexual orientation of respondents was as follows:
- 67.7% of respondents were primarily heterosexual;
- 4.2% identified as gay;
- 4.9% identified as lesbian;
- 15.6% identified as bisexual;
- 3.7% identified as asexual;
- 3.8% identified as pansexual;
- 4.6% identified as queer;
- 2.7% were questioning/unsure.
Responses Regarding Knowledge of Title IX Policies and Resources:
- 73.3 % had knowledge the campus has policies and procedure specifically addressing sexual assault;
- 34% knew how to contact the Title IX Coordinator;
- 74.8% knew the definition of Affirmative Consent.
Responses Regarding Students Experiencing Sexual Harassment in the Past Year:
- 20.1% reported experiencing unwanted sexual comments, sexual slurs, or demeaning jokes;
- 14/1% reporting experiencing unwanted sexually suggestive digital communications, either words or images or both, including emails, texts, social media communications, or in letters or other written communications
Responses Regarding Students Experiencing Sexual Assault in the Past Year:
- 5.3% reported experiencing being fondled, kissed, or rubbed up against the private areas without consent;
- 3.4% reported experiencing some of their clothes being removed without consent;
- 2.6% reported having oral sex preformed or being forced to perform oral sex without consent;
- 3.8% reported experiencing sexual penetration without consent
Monroe Community College, working with SUNY and community colleagues (including students, faculty, and staff), will use these data to improve response to violence, develop prevention programs, and will continue to study the issue. The next SVP Campus Climate Survey will be administered in Spring 2025. More information about the survey is available (
Locations & Contacts
Shannon Glasgow
Title IX Coordinator
Inclusion, Diversity, Equity & Accountability
Peter A. Spina Administration Building
Building 1, Room 300D
(585) 292-2108
Students' Bill of Rights (PDF)
Discrimination and Sexual Harassment Complaint Form
SUNY Sexual Assault & Violence Response Resources (SAVR)